2011 – 2015 Ignite Purpose...

Imagine knowing you need to do something that matters and your purpose overtakes you? Well, that is how I would describe these five years. I knew I needed to start a business and use what I had. I didn’t think I was good enough and yet when your purpose drives you things happen. I watched Simon Sinek “THE WHY” several times. It’s not what you do; it’s why you do it. A wonderful friend said to me; you can’t give what you don’t have. So the journey of changing my world started. I married John in 2012, and I must say it was the best day I have had! So much fun, so much love.

Ghosts from the past don’t just leave; when you have breathed shame… and armoured up against life, you pick that armour up pretty quickly when fear creeps in. So I have a new marriage, a new business and I was fearful that I might lose it. I hit a wall with adrenal fatigue -I was told to stop doing the thing that gave me such purpose … WORK! The armour I wore to “protect me” was weighing me down; it was stealing my life, literally. Through rest and work on me, I bounced back. It did, however, start taking a toll on my family life. Changing the story was the only way through… Owning my story was the way to grow. During this time, I came across Dr Bréne Brown’s work decided to test it and see… and it’s helped me transform my thinking and life.